Rue de Savièse 4, 2019 digital print, ring binders, rotative column 39 ring binders : 28×32×7 cm each rotative column : 81×162 cm 6042 prints : A4 DIN format made from 1529 objets 1:1 scale reproduction Exhibition view Beauty and Rooms Atelier du Nord, Rue de Rawil 3 Palp Festival 2019, Sion Photo Julien Gremaud | An attributed apartment where the integrality of its objects has been scanned : 1529 reproductions at scale 1:1. These elements are distributed in different classifications, thought according to their functions or proprieties. The classifications are organised in ring binders, which are themselves put on a rotative column. The indications related to the different classifications are written on labels : classification’s name / ring blinder’s number / objects’ number / apartment’s address. This data base is relocated and takes place in an architect firm, the ring blinders are merging themselves with the pre-existing office furniture. A classification never being definitive nor exhaustive, this dispositive questions our relation to objects: the way they are stored, organised and interact with each other. |